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Baltimore Healthcare And Wellness FAQ - Baltimore Healthcare And Wellness

Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

We typically see patients for primary care healthcare. We are able to see patients who need urgent care that our office is able to provide.

What do you specialize in?

We specialize in the whole family, from birth until. We are able to do GYN appointments and restricted pain managment. We are also able to do addiction management, but limit it to patients who are also being seen for primary care. 

What makes this office different?

A lot. We are black owned with our being from the same area as the office.  Our providers are passionate about giving back to the communities that raised us. We also try not restrict our patients visits, so you do not feel rushed or incomplete. A lot of our care is focused around natural methods, lifestyle change, but if thoses fail, we will need to start traditional medications. 

Will insurance cover my wellness supplements?

Unfortunately not. These supplements will need to be paid right before the services occur OR at the time of purchase (depending on which supplement is being received. These services were actually added allow to continue the quality healthcare that we give, that Baltimore deserves. 

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes, we are certified as a Family Primary Nurse Practitioners with the State of Maryland and certifications through the American Association of Nurse Pracititioners or AANC.  We have also been certified to see Medicaid pediatric patients through EPSDT program. Also, Amaris Murray, CRNP is certified to write scripts for medical marijuana once a MMCC number has been obtained and has a waiver for Suboxone management. 

If I need a referral, how to do I get one?

It depends. If you have been seen about the issue that you are requesting a referral for, you will need an appointment for it.  You can schedule online or call 443.762.5343